
Migrant Domestic Workers (MDW) are a critical source of support for many households in Hong Kong, particularly for those with young children and the elderly.

Despite legal protections, once a MDW’s pregnancy is announced or discovered, many of these expectant mothers are unlawfully fired, pressured to leave or resign because they, and their employers, simply don’t know what else to do.

A pregnant MDW faces substantial obstacles and hardships when her employment is terminated. She immediately becomes homeless and within two weeks, when her work visa expires, loses access to public welfare and healthcare services vital for prenatal screening.

For those unable to return home, for fear of persecution by family and friends for being an unemployed, single mother with a mixed race child, their children are typically undocumented, stateless and lack access to essential services including medical care and immunisations, shelter and education.

Often destitute, these babies and their mothers are among the most vulnerable and under-served in Hong Kong.

PathFinders helps to bridge the gap in the follwoing ways:



